Comments by Summer Institute Participants
The following are selected comments from former Summer Institute fellows attesting to the value of the institute in preparing graduate students for academic careers:
“A+++. Panels, care in instruction, quality of information.”
“My career goals have been clarified. I was generally considering the academic track—now I know where I want to be and what I need to do to get there.”
“I definitely feel like I have an advantage over my colleagues who didn’t participate in the institute, and I would encourage them all to apply next year.”
“A superb opportunity to learn how academia really works and to get my priorities in order.”
“I would recommend you give this as a regular course to ALL graduate students wanting a faculty job.”
“One of the most useful courses offered at UC Berkeley for graduate students.”
“Overall, the course was everything it promised. I feel like after so many years in graduate school, this is the first time I’ve gotten a comprehensive, systematic presentation/picture of what the field is really like.”
“I definitely feel more prepared for the job market and for my first faculty job. I think I have realistic expectations about my roles and responsibilities, and I’ve gotten resources to identify my deficiencies (and strengths) while I have time to work on them.”
“Now that I have a clearer idea of what’s required — the task seems less daunting. Clarifying my goals has also energized me in my graduate research, and given me ideas for goals in my post-doctoral work to make the transition to faculty member easier.”
“It certainly made me feel better educated about what to expect and helped me to identify important things to consider in the job search. I also feel like I have a much better sense of where to look for information that I will need, and also that I have received lots of practical ‘mentoring-type’ advice from panelists.”
“I did not know much about what it was like going on the job market and I think I now know everything I should in order to be prepared for the whole process. The readings, the discussions, the panels, and talking to the students in the course—all were so helpful in getting a complete picture of my future.”
“Seeing super-competent, motivated, savvy and successful academics makes me feel like I can and want to do this. Even better, meeting the other graduate students reassured me that I’ll be surrounded by people I want to work with.”
“I came in with a vague sense that I was dedicated to education as a way of making the world a better place. But I suspected that I’d have to compromise and set this aside at times. Now I feel that I can keep this objective in mind and use it to motivate my work.”
“I cannot imagine becoming a faculty member without having taken this course. It de-mystified the process a great deal.”