For incoming students expecting to teach in the fall semester

June 1                  Deadline for incoming students who wish to teach in the fall semester to submit the Language Proficiency Questionnaire.
July      Beginning of Oral Proficiency (OPT) testing for incoming students

For continuing students expecting to teach in the summer or fall semester

March 1                   Deadline for continuing students who wish to teach in the coming summer or fall semester to submit the Language Proficiency Questionnaire, if they have not already done so.
March – April Continuing students not enrolled in LAN PRO 380 class are tested for following summer and fall semester GSI appointments
RRR Week Students enrolled in LAN PRO 380 class take the Oral Proficiency Test (OPT) during RRR week

For continuing students expecting to teach in the spring semester

Oct. 1.                       Deadline for continuing students who wish to teach in the coming spring semester to submit the Language Proficiency Questionnaire, if they have not already done so
Oct – Nov 15 Continuing students not enrolled in LAN PRO 380 class are tested for following summer or spring semester GSI appointments
RRR Week        Students enrolled in LAN PRO 380 class take the OPT during RRR week