Pedagogy courses approved for the Teaching Certificate program are listed below by academic year. Please note that the department in which a GSI takes the 300-level course is determined by the Graduate Council Policy on Appointment and Mentoring of GSIs. Courses taken prior to Fall 2012 are not eligible for the Certificate Program.



The list of pedagogy courses that have been approved for the Teaching Certificate program are listed below; others are under review and may be added soon. Please check back periodically.

CourseCourse NumberSemesterInstructor
African American StudiesC375Fall 2022Paiz
Agricultural and Resource Economics375Fall 2022Villas-Boas
Ancient Greek and Roman Studies375Fall 2022Mccarthy
Anthropology375Fall 2022Nakamura
Business Administration (PHD BA)375Fall 2022Fitch
Chemistry375Fall 2022Douskey
Civil and Environmental Engineering301Fall 2022Nelson, Kara
College Writing Programs375Fall 2022Levine
Comparative Literature375Fall 2022Palau
Economics375Fall 2022Campbell
Education375Fall 2022Hull
Electrical Engineering & Computer Science375Fall 2022Fox
Environmental Science, Policy, and Management375Fall 2022Huntsinger
Ethnic StudiesC375Fall 2022Paiz
Film and Media375Fall 2022Sanberg
French301Fall 2022Rodic
Geography375Fall 2022Negrín
German375AFall 2022Euba
Industrial Engineering & Operations Research375Fall 2022Goldberg
Integrative Biology375Fall 2022Shihadih
Landscape Architecture and Environmental Engineering375Fall 2022Larice
Linguistics375Fall 2022Sande
Nutritional Sciences and Toxicology375Fall 2022Reaver
Psychology375Fall 2022Kring
Public Health375A  Fall 2022Sheats
Public Policy375Fall 2022Brady
Slavic Languages and Literatures375BFall 2022Popovic
Social Welfare375Fall 2022Shapiro
Sociology375Fall 2022Burawoy
South and Southeast Asian Studies375Fall 2022Parson
Spanish and Portuguese375Fall 2022Rodriguez


CourseCourse NumberSemesterInstructor
Agricultural and Resource Economics375Fall 2021Berto Villas-Boas
Architecture375Spring 2022Larice
Anthropology375Fall 2021Sabrina Agarwal
Astronomy 375 Spring 2022Bloom
Business Administration (PHD BA) 375 Spring 2022Fitch
Chemistry 375 Fall 2021Douskey
Civil and Environmental Engineering375Fall 2021Chow
Civil and Environmental Engineering375Spring 2022Chow
City and Regional Planning375Fall 2021Larice
Classics 375 Fall 2021Macrae
College Writing Programs 375 Fall 2021Levine
Comparative Literature 375 Fall 2021Palau
Computer Science 375 Fall 2021Fox
Economics 375 Fall 2021Olney
Economics 375 Spring 2022Campbell
Environmental Science, Policy, and Management375Fall 2021Huntsinger
French301Fall 2021Rodic
German375A Fall 2021Euba
German375B Spring 2022Euba
GSPDP375 Spring 2022von Hoene
History of Art375Fall 2021Levine
Industrial Engineering & Operations Research375 Fall 2021Goldberg
Information375 Fall 2021Duguid
Interdisciplinary Social Science375 Fall 2021Duguid
Linguistics375 Fall 2021Mikkelsen
Mathematics375  Fall 2021Wehrheim
Nutritional Sciences and Toxicology301 Fall 2021Reaver
Philosophy 375 Fall 2021Novakovic
Physics375 Fall 2021Hedeman
Political Science375 Fall 2021Lee
Public Health375A  Fall 2021Lachance
Public Policy375 Fall 2021Brady
Spanish and Portuguese375Fall 2021Hernandez-Rodrigruez
Statistics375Spring 2022Bray
Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies375Fall 2021De Kosnik


CourseCourse NumberSemesterInstructor
Agricultural and Resource Economics375Fall 2020Berto Villas-Boas
Architecture375Spring 2021Larice
Anthropology375Fall 2020Joyce
Astronomy 375 Fall 2020Bloom
Business Administration (PHD BA) 375 Spring 2021Fitch
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering 375 Fall 2020Muller
Chemistry 375 Fall 2020Douskey
Classics 375 Fall 2020Macrae
College Writing Programs 375 Fall 2020Levine
Comparative Literature 375 Fall 2020Palau
Computer Science 375 Fall 2020Fox
Economics 375 Fall 2020Olney
Economics 375 Spring 2021Olney
Education375 Fall 2020Hull
English375 Fall 2020Ellis
Environmental Science, Policy, and Management375Fall 2020Huntsinger
French301Fall 2020Rodic
German375A Fall 2020Euba
German375B Spring 2021Euba
GSPDP375 Spring 2021von Hoene
History375Spring 2021DeLay
History of Art375Fall 2020Levine
Industrial Engineering & Operations Research375 Fall 2020Goldberg
Information375 Fall 2020Duguid
Integrative Biology375 Fall 2020Agnew
Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning375 Fall 2020Larice
Linguistics375 Fall 2020Mikkelsen
Music375  Spring 2021Pereira
Mathematics375  Fall 2020Wehrheim
Nutritional Sciences and Toxicology301 Fall 2020Reaver
Philosophy 375 Fall 2020Novakovic
Political Science375 Fall 2020Lee
Psychology375 Fall 2020Kring
Public Health375A  Fall 2020Lachance
Public Policy375 Fall 2020Brady
Public Policy375Spring 2021Brady
Rhetoric375Fall 2020Atkinson
Slavic Languages and Literatures (R&C Pedagogy)375BFall 2020Golburt
Slavic Languages and Literatures (R&C Pedagogy)375BSpring 2021Golburt
Social Welfare375Fall 2020Shapiro
Sociology375Fall 2020Burowoy
South & Southeast Asian Studies375Fall 2020Faruqui
Spanish and Portuguese375Fall 2020Hernandez-Rodrigruez
Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies375Fall 2020De Kosnik


CourseCourse NumberSemesterInstructor
African American StudiesC375Fall 2019Taylor
Agricultural and Resource Economics375Fall 2019Berto Villas-Boas
Architecture375Spring 2020John
Anthropology375Fall 2019Hayden
Astronomy 375 Fall 2019Quataert
Business Administration 375 Fall 2019Fitch
Business Administration (PHD BA) 375 Spring 2020Fitch
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering 375 Fall 2019Ciston
City and Regional Planning 375 Fall 2019Luger
Classics 375 Fall 2019McCarthy
College Writing Programs 375 Fall 2019Sokolik
Comparative Literature 375 Fall 2019Palau
Economics 375 Fall 2019Olney
Economics 375 Spring 2020Olney
Education375 Fall 2019Hull
English375 Fall 2019Serpell
Environmental Science, Policy, and Management375Fall 2019Huntsinger
Ethnics StudiesC375Fall 2019Taylor
French301Fall 2019Rodic
German375A Fall 2019Euba
German375B Spring 2020Euba
GSPDP375 Spring 2020von Hoene
History375Spring 2020Terry
History of Art375Fall 2019Trever
Industrial Engineering & Operations Research375 Fall 2019Goldberg
Information375 Fall 2019Duguid
Integrative Biology375 Fall 2019Padian
Interdisciplinary Social Science / Global Studies375 Fall 2019Karras
Italian375 Fall 2019Perco
Linguistics375 Fall 2019Regier
Music375  Spring 2020Pereira
Nutritional Sciences and Toxicology301 Fall 2019Reaver
Philosophy 375 Fall 2019Noe
Plant and Microbial Biology375 Fall 2019Barsky
Psychology375 Fall 2019Gade
Public Health375A  Fall 2019Lachance
Public Policy375 Fall 2019Brady
Rhetoric375Fall 2019Atkinson
Slavic Languages and Literatures (R&C Pedagogy)375BFall 2019Golburt
Slavic Languages and Literatures (R&C Pedagogy)375BSpring 2020Golburt
Spanish and Portuguese375Fall 2019Hernandez-Rodrigruez


CourseCourse NumberSemesterInstructor
Agricultural and Resource Economics375Fall 2018Berto Villas-Boas
Anthropology375Fall 2018Agarwal
Architecture375Spring 2019Chiang
Business Administration (PHD BA)375Spring 2019Fitch
Classics375Fall 2018Griffith
College Writing Programs375Fall 2018Sokolik
Comparative Literature375Fall 2018Palau
Computer Science375Fall 2018Rao
Computer Science375Spring 2019Fox
Economics375Fall 2018Olney
Economics375Spring 2019Olney
Education375Spring 2019Van Rheenen, Hull
English375Fall 2018Snyder
Environmental Science, Policy, and Management375Fall 2018Huntsinger
French301Fall 2018Chavdarian
German375Fall 2018Euba
German375BSpring 2019Euba
Global Studies375Fall 2018Karras
GSPDP375Spring 2019von Hoene
History375Fall 2018Brilliant
History of Art375Fall 2018Trever
Information375Fall 2018Duguid
Integrative Biology375Fall 2018Padian
Italian375Fall 2018Perco
Linguistics375Fall 2018Mikkelsen
Music375Spring 2019Pereira
Nuclear Engineering375Fall 2018Goldberg,Berger
Nutritional Sciences and Toxicology301Fall 2018Deegan
Philosophy375Fall 2018Clarke
Plant and Microbial Biology375Fall 2018Somerville
Public Health375AFall 2018Lachance
Slavic Languages and Literatures (R&C Pedagogy)375BFall 2018Golburt
Slavic Languages and Literatures (R&C Pedagogy)375BSpring 2019Golburt
Social Welfare375Fall 2018Shapiro
Spanish and Portuguese375Fall 2018Hernandez-Rodrigruez


CourseCourse NumberSemesterInstructor
Agricultural and Resource Economics375Fall 2017Berto Villas-Boas
Anthropology375Fall 2017Agarwal
Astronomy 375 Fall 2017Chiang
Business Administration 375 Spring 2018Fitch
Civil and Environmental Engineering 375 Spring 2018Sedlak
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering 375 Fall 2017Ciston
Civil and Environmental Engineering 301 Fall 2017Ostertag
Classics 375 Fall 2017McCarthy
College Writing Programs 375 Fall 2017Sokolik
Comparative Literature 375 Fall 2017Palau
Computer Science 375 Spring 2018Fox
Economics 375 Fall 2017Olney
English375 Fall 2017Snyder
Environmental Science, Policy, and Management375Fall 2017Huntsinger; O’Grady
French301Fall 2017Chavdarian
German375 Fall 2017Euba
Global Studies375 Fall 2017Karras
Graduate Student Professional Development Program375Spring 2018von Hoene
History375 Fall 2017Brilliant
History of Art375Fall 2017Trever
Information375 Fall 2017Duguid
Integrative Biology375 Fall 2017Padian
Italian375 Fall 2017Perco
Linguistics375 Fall 2017Inkelas
Mathematics375 Fall 2017Wehrheim
Music300 Spring 2018Pereira
Nuclear Engineering375 Fall 2017Berger
Nutritional Sciences and Toxicology301 Fall 2017Deegan
Philosophy 375 Fall 2017Clarke
Physics 375 Fall 2017Speliotopoulos
Plant and Microbial Biology375 Fall 2017Fischer; Somerville
Political Science375 Fall 2017Hassner
Psychology 375 Fall 2017Mendoza-Denton
Public Policy375 Fall 2017Brady
Rhetoric375Fall 2017Gutterriez
Slavic375BFall 2017Golburt
Sociology375Fall 2017Tugal
Social Welfare375Fall 2017Shapiro
Spanish and Portuguese375Fall 2017Hernandez-Rodrigruez


CourseCourse NumberSemesterInstructor
African American Studies C375P Fall 2016Taylor
Anthropology375Fall 2016Christensen
Architecture 375 Spring 2017Navalli
Astronomy 375 Fall 2016de Pater
Civil and Environmental Engineering 301 Spring 2017Nelson
Classics 301 Fall 2016McCarthy
College Writing Programs 375 Fall 2016Stanley
Comparative Literature 375 Fall 2016Stanley
Economics 375 Fall 2016Olney
English375 Fall 2016Snyder
Environmental Science, Policy, and Management375Fall 2016Huntsinger
Ethnic Studies Graduate Group C375Fall 2016Taylor
French301Fall 2016Chavdarian
German375A Fall 2016Euba
Graduate Student Professional Development Program375Spring 2017von Hoene
History375 Fall 2016Mendoza Guttierez
History of Art375Fall 2016Honig
Information375 Fall 2016Duguid
Integrative Biology375 Fall 2016Padian
Italian375 Fall 2016Perco
Linguistics375 Fall 2016Inkelas
Materials Science and Engineering375A Fall 2016Dubon
Music300 Spring 2017Pereira
Nutritional Sciences and Toxicology301 Fall 2016Rasmussen
Philosophy 375 Fall 2016Buchak
Physics375 Fall 2016Spike
Psychology 375 Fall 2016Kihlstrom
Public Health375A Fall 2016Sokal-Gutierrez
Public Policy375 Fall 2016Brady
Slavic375BFall 2016Golburt
Spanish and Portuguese375  Fall 2016Hernandez-Rodrigruez


CourseCourse NumberSemesterInstructor
African American StudiesC375PFall 2015Um
Anthropology375Fall 2015Christensen
Art History375Fall 2015Kroiz
Business (PHD BA)375Spring 2016Fitch
Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering375Fall 2015Ciston
Classics375Fall 2015McCarthy
College Writing ProgramsP375Fall 2015Stanley
Comparative Literature375Fall 2015Stanley
Economics375Fall 2015Olney
Education375Spring 2016Hull
English375Fall 2015Snyder
Environmental Science, Policy, and ManagementP375Fall 2015Roderick
Ethnic Studies Graduate GroupC375Fall 2015Um
French301Fall 2015Chavdarian
German375AFall 2015Euba
Graduate Student Professional Development Program375Spring 2016von Hoene
History375Fall 2015Frede-Montemayor
InformationP375Fall 2015Duguid
Integrative Biology375Fall 2015Padian
Italian375Fall 2015Perco
Linguistics375Fall 2015Inkelas
Materials Science and Engineering375Fall 2015Dubon
Music300Spring 2016Pereira
Nutritional Sciences and Toxicology301Fall 2015Rasmussen
Physics375Fall 2015Spike
Plant and Microbial Biology375Fall 2015Kerfeld
Political Science375Fall 2015Dunning
Psychology375Fall 2015Gade
Public Health375AFall 2015Sokal-Gutierrez
Public Policy375Fall 2015Brady
Rhetoric375Fall 2015Guttierrez
Social Welfare375Fall 2015Shapiro
Sociology375Fall 2015Gold
Spanish and Portuguese375Fall 2015Hernandez-Rodriguez


The courses below were approved for academic year 2014–2015. Courses taken prior to Fall 2012 are not eligible for the Certificate Program.

CourseCourse NumberSemesterInstructor
African American Studies375Fall 2014Um
Anthropology375Fall 2014Agarwal
Architecture375Spring 2015Ritzenberg
Astronomy375Fall 2014de Pater
Chemical Engineering375Fall 2014Ciston
Classics375Fall 2014McCarthy
College Writing Programs375Fall 2014Offen-Brown
Comparative Literature375Fall 2014Stanley
Computer Science375Fall 2014
Spring 2015
Economics375Fall 2014Olney
Education375Fall 2014Hull
English375Fall 2014Goodman
Environmental Science, Policy, & Management375Fall 2014Huntsinger
Ethnic Studies Graduate Group375Fall 2014Um
French301Fall 2014Chavdarian
German375AFall 2014Euba
History of Art375Fall 2014Levine
Integrative Biology375Fall 2014Padian
Italian375Fall 2014Perco
Law375Fall 2014Feeley
Materials Science Engineering375AFall 2014Gronsky
Music300Spring 2015Pereira
Nutritional Sciences and Toxicology301Fall 2014Rasmussen
Plant and Microbial Biology300Fall 2014Ruzin
Political Science375Fall 2014Dunning
Psychology375Fall 2014Gade
Public Health375AFall 2014Sokal-Gutierrez
Public Policy375Fall 2014Brady
Rhetoric375Fall 2014Jamgochian
Social Welfare375Fall 2014Shapiro
Sociology375Fall 2014Gold
Spanish and Portuguese375Fall 2014Hernandez-Rodriguez
Statistics375Fall 2014Huang


The courses below were approved for academic year 2013–2014. Courses taken prior to Fall 2012 are not eligible for the Certificate Program.

CourseCourse NumberSemesterInstructor
African American Studies / Ethnic StudiesC301Fall 2013Taylor
Agricultural and Resource Economics375Spring 2014Boettiger
Anthropology375Fall 2013Argawal
Architecture375Spring 2014Date
Astronomy375Fall 2013de Pater
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering375Fall 2013Cerretani
Classics375Fall 2013McCarthy
College Writing Programs375Fall 2013Offen-Brown
Comparative Literature375Fall 2013Stanley
Economics375Fall 2013Olney
English375Fall 2013Landreth
Environmental Science, Policy, & Management375Fall 2013Huntsinger
Ethnic Studies Graduate Group375Fall 2013Taylor
French301Fall 2013Chavdarian
French303Spring 2014Pries
German375AFall 2013Euba
Graduate Student Professional Development Program375Spring 2014von Hoene
History375Fall 2013Sargent
History of Art375Fall 2013Honig
Integrative Biology375Fall 2013Padian
Italian375Fall 2013Perco
Linguistics375Fall 2013Regier
Materials Science Engineering375AFall 2013Gronsky
Nutritional Science & Toxicology301Fall 2013Rasmussen
Physics375Fall 2013Sadoulet
Plant & Microbial Biology300Fall 2013Zambryski
Political Science375Fall 2013Hero
Psychology375Fall 2013Cook
Public Health375Fall 2013Sokal-Gutierrez
Public Policy375Fall 2013Brady
Rhetoric375Fall 2013Jamgochian
Social Welfare300Fall 2013Shapiro
Sociology301Fall 2013Bloemraad
Spanish and Portuguese375Fall 2013Hernandez


The courses below were approved for academic year 2012–2013. Courses taken prior to Fall 2012 are not eligible for the Certificate Program.

CourseCourse NumberSemesterInstructor
African American Studies / Ethnic StudiesC301Fall 2012Taylor
Agricultural and Resource Economics300 / 375Spring 2013Boettiger
Anthropology300Fall 2012Agarwal
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering300Fall 2012Segalman and Ciston
Classics300Fall 2012McCarthy
College Writing Programs300Fall 2012Offen-Brown
Comparative Literature360SFall 2012Stanley
Economics301Fall 2012Olney
Education375Spring 2013Hull
English302Fall 2012Snyder
Environmental Science, Policy, & Management301Fall 2012Resh and Huntsinger
Ethnic Studies Graduate Group301Fall 2012Taylor
French301Fall 2012Chavdarian
French303Spring 2013Pries
German351Fall 2012Euba
Graduate Student Professional Development Program300 / 375Spring 2013von Hoene
History300Fall 2012Norena
History of Art300Fall 2012Honig
Integrative Biology303Fall 2012Sousa
Linguistics302Fall 2012Regier
Materials Science and Engineering300Fall 2012Gronsky
Nutritional Sciences and Toxicology301Fall 2012Shane
Physics300Fall 2012Sadoulet
Plant and Microbial Biology300Fall 2012Kerfeld
Political Science301Fall 2012Hero
Psychology300Fall 2012Walker and Whitney
Public Health333Fall 2012Sokal-Gutierrez
Public Policy300Fall 2012O’Hara and Brady
Rhetoric300Fall 2012Jamgochian
Social Welfare300Fall 2012Shapiro
Sociology301Fall 2012Bloemraad
South and Southeast Asian Studies300Fall 2012Edwards