The Teaching Effectiveness Award honors a small number of outstanding graduate student instructors each year who have made a significant contribution to teaching and learning in their departments through identifying and responding to a problem they have encountered in a class, laboratory, or section they have taught. Their contributions are documented in one-page essays, accessible here by the GSIs’ names.

Additionally, the essays may be browsed by teaching-and-learning topic via the GSI Teaching Ideas page in the GSI Online Library.

A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M    N    O    P    Q    R    S    T    U    V    W    X    Y    Z


Adams, Jeremy, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Mapping the Math: Using Concept Maps to Learn Controls Theory, 2020

Akturk, Sener, Political Science, Negotiating European Integration Yourself: Role Playing, Simulations, and Counterfactuals in Teaching Political Science2009

Albanna, Badr, Physics, Getting in Touch with Your Inner Physicist, 2005

Alexander, Sereeta, Education, Creating Collaborative In-Class Activities: Minimizing Diffusion of Responsibility and Disinterest during Group Work, 2008

Anderman, Nicholas, Geography, Contextualizing Social Theory with Collaborative Timelines, 2019

Anderson, Connie, French, Hands-on Experience of French Irony, 2001

Andriuc, Oxana, Chemistry, Detangling Quantum Problems, 2022

Arena, Gregory, Integrative Biology, Teaching Outside the Textbook, 2024

Armstrong, Eric, Integrative Biology, Everyone Loves a Good Argument: Encouraging the Use of Programming Languages in Biology, 2016

Arpaia, Nicholas, Molecular and Cell Biology, Training Molecular MacGyvers Using the Immunologists Toolbox, 2009

Axelson, Jordan, Chemistry, The Importance of Implicit Feature Awareness for Problem Solving in Organic Chemistry, 2014


Babel, Molly, Linguistics, Externalizing Analyses and Bridging Sub-disciplines, 2008

Bandyopadhyay, Antar, Mathematics and Statistics, Mathematics: The Universal Language of Science, 2002

Baraz, Yelena, Classics, A New Way to Appreciate Cicero’s Style, 2003

Bariya, Mallika, Materials Science and Engineering, Zoom Labs: Replicating Hands-on Learning in Virtual Education, 2021

Basini, Laura, Music, Musical Form and Active Learning, 2002

Becker, Catherine, History of Art, Making a Connection to the Distant Past, 2004

Becker Quinn, Mary, Spanish and Portuguese, Charting the Plot of “La Noche Boca Arriba”, 2002

Benca, Jeffrey, Integrative Biology, Teaching Students “Street Smarts” Necessary for Navigating Peer-Reviewed Literature, 2013

Bennett, Erin, Comparative Literature, From Lolita to Katy Perry: Bridging the Gap between Text and Students, 2019

Bensadoun, Jennifer, Epidemiology, Research Methods Applied to Public Health Topics: Using Breakout Groups to Foster Problem Solving and Critical Thinking, 2001

Benson, Elzbieta, Sociology, Increased Class Participation: Accommodating for Diverse Styles and Skills, 2004

Bharadwaj, Vivek, Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, Cookie Cutters: Scaling a Parallel Computing Class While Retaining its Humanity, 2024

Bilis, Hélène , French, Giving a New Tune to Grammar, 2004

Blackford, Katherine, Chemistry, Helping Organic Chemistry Students Develop Metacognitive Problem-Solving Skills, 2021

Bliss, Daniel, Molecular and Cell Biology (Home Department: Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute), Fostering the Ability to Think Like an Experimenter in a Lecture Course, 2013

Blum, Suzanne, Chemistry, Current-Literature Problem Solving as a Connection to the Real World: How Solving a Problem in the Classroom Expanded Professor-Graduate Student Mentorship from the Laboratory into the Classroom, 2004

Borooah, Gautam, Mathematics, When Wrong is All Right, 2004

Boucher, Helen, Psychology, Helping Students Understand Prejudice, 2002

Boynton, Ethan, Plant and Microbial Biology, Managing Student Anxiety Surrounding In-Person Learning, 2023

Brando, Beatriz, Science and Math Education, Building a Better Review Session through Active Learning, 2016

Bruenn, Riva, Plant and Microbial Biology, Plant Morphology is Just a Game, 2016

Bruhn, Katherine, South and Southeast Asian Studies, Mundane to Extraordinary: Working with Primary Sources and Identifying Research Topics, 2021

Bruno, Paul, Physics (Home Department: Education), Helping Students Learn (and Effectively Use) What They Already Know, 2009

Brutsche, Vanessa, French, Beyond Plot: Discussing the Stakes of Literary Texts, 2017


Cassibry, Kimberly , History of Art, Teaching Roman Monuments, 2004

Cattaneo, Matias, Economics, Teaching Students with Diverse Backgrounds, 2007

Cecire, Natalia, English, Creating a Research Community, 2009

Chakraborty, Sukriyo, Chemistry, “Thinking through Writing” – Using Writing as a Means to Improve Critical Thinking in an Organic Chemistry Laboratory, 2024

Champney, Danielle, Mathematics (Home Department: Education), Using Prediction, Competition, and Reflection to Make Connections in Calculus II, 2010

Chang, Charles, Linguistics, Fun with Phonetics on a Saturday: Bringing Linguistics Up to Date with the Other Sciences, 2009

Chau, Angela, Bioengineering, Learn at Your Own Pace, 2007

Chen, Enze, Materials Science and Engineering, Using Poster Presentations to Promote Science Communication and Student Engagement, 2023

Chen, Jingxun, Molecular and Cell Biology, Shaping Abstract Genetics Concepts into Concrete, Accessible Knowledge, 2018

Cheng, A. S. (Ed), Mechanical Engineering, Teaching My Students to Fish, 2001

Cheng, Mai-Lin, English, Monstrous Texts: Overcoming Resistance to Literature, 2002

Chihaya, Sarah, Comparative Literature, References without Referents (Or, How My Class Learned to Start Worrying and Love Thomas Pynchon), 2012

Chou, Seemay, Molecular and Cell Biology, Teaching Young Scientists to Speak the Way They Think, 2009

Chowdhury, Anamika, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Learning Why and not just How, 2019

Clark, Christopher, Integrative Biology, Improving Biology Papers through Peer Review, 2009

Clayton, Aubrey, Mathematics, The Meaning Behind the Symbols, 2005

Coderre, Laurence, East Asian Languages and Cultures, Moving Beyond Plot Summary: Doing Things with Words, 2014

Coleman, William, History of Art, Self-Portraiture as a Teaching Tool, 2012

Combs, Charles Scott, Film Studies, Writers into Readers, 2003

Comerford, Julia, Astronomy, Teaching by (Bad) Example, 2006

Coppinger, J. Peter, Plant and Microbial Biology, Slimemolds vs. the MCATs, 2003

Cordes Selbin, Jesse, English, Empowering Learning: History, Collaboratively, 2014

Courtois de Vicose, Alexandra, History of Art, What Is It to Truly “See” and How to Deal with the Unseen, 2015

Crawford, Lindsay, Philosophy, Confidence and the Character of Discussion: Attending to Framing Effects, 2013

Cronquist Browning, Catherine, English, Ethical Engagement: Practical Solutions for Addressing Plagiarism in the Writing Classroom, 2010

Cruz Gutierrez, Kathleen, South and Southeast Asian Studies, Crafting the Annotated Bibliography: A Storehouse for Reading and Composition Learning, 2018

Cunningham, Sarah, Integrative Biology, Teaching an Uncommon Sense, 2003

Current, Brian, Music, Hearing John Cage: An Approach to Introducing Ambient Music, 2000

Cutchin, Carli, Comparative Literature, The Interpretive Problem: A Key Concept in Teaching Writing, 2017


Dahl, Jakob, Chemistry, Promoting Understanding from Experiments by Visualizing Results in an Introductory Organic Chemistry Lab, 2020

Dar, Huma, South and Southeast Asian Studies, Re-membering Our Histories, Re-visioning Our Histories, Re-writing Our Selves, 2003

Dawson, Steve, Astronomy, Kinesthesis in Science: Where Red Rover Meets Quantum Mechanics, 2000

Dekel, Edan, Classics, Reciting Latin Verse, 2000

Delaire, Caroline, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Intuition Is What You Need to Take Home!, 2014

DeNero, John, Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, Now Students, Don’t Forget to Play your Video Games, 2008

Desai, Varsha, Chemistry, Why Am I Doing What I Am Doing?, 2018

Desroches, Louis-Benoit, Astronomy, Undergraduate Astronomy Journal Club, 2004

Diaz, Rosalind, English, Collaborative Grading Rubrics for Assessing Student Writing, 2018

Dichtel, William, Chemistry, Teaching Alice, 2004

Diesl, Alexander, Mathematics and Statistics, Breaking the Mathematical Language Barrier, 2003

Dimova, Polina, Comparative Literature, The Theory Scare: Teaching Students How to Grasp Abstract Ideas, 2008

Divita, David, French, Shaking up the Standard in a Course on French Phonetics, 2008

Dosh, Paul, Political Science, Encouraging and Affirming Diverse Forms of Class Participation, 2000

Dotan, Ravit, Philosophy, How to Increase Participation in Section, 2019

Dowling, Christie, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Strategies to Provide Information Without Providing Answers, 2005

Driscoll, Kate, Italian Studies, What is Strange about Fiction?: Embracing Contradictions in Literary Texts to Improve Critical Thinking and Analytical Writing, 2019

Dumont, Sophie, Molecular and Cell Biology, Motivating a Broad Audience with Research, 2004

Duong, Natalia, Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies, Normalizing Access and Accommodation in Classrooms, 2020 **Author has requested essay not to be published

Duquennois, Claire, Agricultural and Resource Economics, First Contact: Getting Things Done on Day One, 2017


Eiermann, Martin, Sociology, Social Theory as a Map to the World, 2017

Elias, Gabrielle, English, “A Little Chain of Bright Drops”: Learning to Read Detail, 2022

Elkins, Kate, Comparative Literature, Non-Standard Approaches to Post-modernist Literature, 2000

Elliott, Rebecca, Sociology, Maximizing the Impact of GSI Feedback through Reflections on Writing, 2012

Endres, James, Molecular and Cell Biology, Science Education: Focus on Core Analytical Skills, 2003

Epps, Douglas, Social Welfare, Ask, Adapt, and Assess: Co-constructing the Remote Classroom to Promote Inclusivity, Equity, and Engagement, 2021

Esboldt, Joy, Education, Starting Co-Constructed Dialogue Through Video Essay Feedback, 2022

Escobar, Eduardo, Near Eastern Studies, Live Digital Translation for Dead Languages, 2016

Esse, Melina, Music, I Love to Listen to Music, But I Don’t Know Anything About It, 2001

Estrada Phuong, Andrew, Education, Adaptive Equity-Oriented Pedagogy: Equipping Educators to Overcome Barriers to Learning in STEM, 2021

Everett, Meg, Berkeley School of Education, Learning and Teaching in the Age of AI: Exploring the Use of ChatGPT in Class, 2023


Fedyk, Tatiana, Business Administration, Hide and Go Seek; or, Could We Play with Accounting?, 2006

Ferretti, Natalia, Political Science, Do Our Students Understand the Relevance of What We Are Teaching Them?, 2001

Fidan Elcioglu, Ermine, Sociology, Reading Theory with Courage: One Way to Teach Critical Reading Skills, 2011

Figueroa-Clarevega, Alejandro, Molecular and Cell Biology, Building the Big Picture, 2011

Finnerty, Casey, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Teaching Students to Think Creatively about Problems, not just Answer Them, 2020

Fisher, Mark, Political Science, Providing Skills, Not Summaries: Improving Reading Comprehension in Political Theory, 2012

Fleishman, Kathryn, English, To Risk an Argument: Tweeting towards Independent Theses in English R1B, 2015

Foose, Ladan, Chemical Engineering, Searching for the Big Picture, 2008

Fostvedt, Jade, Chemistry, The Student Becomes the Master: Student-Led Problem Solving in “Flipped” Office Hours, 2020

Fornasini, Francesca, Astronomy, “Is This Right?” Building Confidence in Scientific Reasoning, 2012

Freed, Joshua, Political Science, Intentional Communication, the Students in the Middle, and Me, 2023

Freedman, Benjamin, Molecular and Cell Biology, Teaching Mitosis and Meiosis Using Metaphor and Play-Acting, 2006

Freitas, Nancy, Energy and Resources Group, “Yes, and..” in Grant Writing, 2023

Frenkel, Oron, Public Health, Crossing Disciplinary Boundaries through Drama, 2005

Frey, Emily, Music, Teaching Basic Musicianship: An Ode to Chaos, 2011


Gard, David, Psychology, Developing a Substantive Understanding of the Concepts of Normality and Pathology, 2002

Gardner, David, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, View from the Corner Office: Changing Student Perceptions about Thermodynamics, 2017

Gaston, Lise, English, Creative Writing & Creative Response: Helping Students Cultivate a Critical Voice, 2019

Gehlawat, Monica, English, Critical Objectivity and Sentence Style Improvement, 2007

Gelbart, Mathew, Music, Cultural and Communicative Approaches to Teaching Music, 2000

Gildea, Holly, Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute, Reframing Failure: Teaching Iterative Troubleshooting over Results in Laboratory Science, 2020

Goddu, Mariel, Psychology, Taking an “Explanation Break”: Helping Students Critique Experimental Methods and Evaluate Evidence, 2019

Gold, Lael, Comparative Literature, An Epic in Miniature: Collaborations on a Thesis, 2003

Goodrich, Maria, Integrative Biology, Using a Focal Organism as a Teaching Tool in General Biology, 2007

Gourley, Ryan, Music, Experiential Learning with Antiquated Musical Media, 2023

Graham, Natalie, Environmental Science, Policy and Management, Putting Global Patterns in Perspective with Experiential Interdisciplinary Learning, 2020

Gravendyk, Hilary, English, Poetry and the Scientific Method, 2008

Greenwald, Jordan, Comparative Literature, Interpretation as Staging: A Lesson in Dramatic Literature, 2014

Gulyas, Leah,  Plant and Microbial Biology, Assemble your Team! Harnessing the Power of Teamwork to Promote Student Engagement and Learning, 2023

Gutierrez, Nicholaus, Rhetoric, Online Research in the Age of Google, 2019

Gutierrez Peraza, Salvador, Ethnic Studies, Empathy, 2023


Haig, Kenneth, Political Science, Finding Ways that Everyone can Contribute, Creatively: Using Visual Learning Techniques and Small Group Exercises to Promote Cooperative Learning, 2006

Hamilton, Emily, History, Playing Teacher: Adding Predictive Power to Students Toolboxes, 2010

Harkey, Anna, Anthropology, Bringing Archaeological Theory “Down to Earth”, 2014

Harris, Zoe, Public Health, From Theory to Obama: Innovative Teaching Methods to Increase Participation, 2009

Haynes, Audrey, Integrative Biology, The Power of Personalized Interventions, 2019

Hayes, William, Sociology, Teaching Bourdieu: Observing the Habitus in Sites of Consumption, 2001

Heddle, Amanda, Environmental Science, Policy and Management, Development of an Inquiry-Based Activity from a Content  kIntensive Curriculum, 2003

Held, Robert, Bioengineering, Interaction and Integration: How to Teach Students with Varying Expertise, 2007

Hellmich, Emily A., French (Home Department: Education), Becoming Your Own Dictionary: Increasing Participation and Communicative Confidence through Semiotic Brainstorming, 2015

Hengesbach, Conrad, Mathematics, The Challenges of Teaching in Summer Session, 2012

Heppler, Jes, Philosophy, Building and Repairing Trust in the Classroom, 2023

Herrera, Veronica, Political Science, Reversing Roles: How Would Your Students Devise a Section Lesson Plan?, 2007

Herring, Chris, Sociology, Sketching Social Theory Collectively, 2015

Hicks, Susan, Geography, Getting on the Same Page, 2006

Hiesmayr, Ella, Statistics, Visualizing Stochastic Processes, 2021

Hlatshwayo, Sandile, Economics, The Tipping Point: Encouraging Inclusive Participation through Productive Failure in a Highly Diverse Student Setting, 2015

Hollenback, Justin , Civil and Environmental Engineering, Teaching Effectiveness Essay, 2013

Huang, Lynn, English, Anatomy of an Essay, 2011


Ibarra, Clare, History, Bridging the Gap between K-12 and University-level History, 2017

Ironside, Manon, Psychology, From Skilled Test Takers to Budding Scientists: Overhauling Assessment in Cognitive Neuroscience, 2022


Jackson, Stacy, Energy and Resources Group, An Effective Review Session (without Teaching to the Test), 2011

Jasper, Kathryn, History, The Fourth Crusade Charges into the Classroom, 2009

Jelen, Christopher, Classics, To Err Is Divine: Constructive Failure and Its Place in Language Learning, 2021

Jennings, Morgan, Film & Media, Monstrous Methods for Closely Reading Film, 2023

Johnson, Kimberly , English, The Renaissance Lyric Poem as Pop Culture, 2002

Johnson, John, Astronomy, TALC: Individualized Assistance through Collaborative Learning, 2002

Johnson, Jennifer, Linguistics (Home Department: Education), Engaging with the Thesis Statement: Developing Metacognitive Skills in the Classroom through Peer Sharing, Peer Review, and Self-Review, 2013

Jones, Bristin, Comparative Literature, Beyond Bland: Inspiring Perceptive and Original Literary Interpretations, 2018

Judge, Brian, Political Science, Scaffolding Suspension of Belief as a Means to Intellectual and Political Empathy, 2018


Kaborycha, Lisa, History, Teaching History Students to Read Between the Lines, 2003

Kaletzky, Marianne, Comparative Literature, Translating from Shakespeare to Modernism: An Experiment in How Form Affects Meaning, 2015

Kang, Emily, History of Art, Combatting Theory-Phobia: Addressing Imposter Syndrome through Empathy, 2024

Kaplan, Jeffrey, Philosophy, Reading Quizzes: a Mild Technological Innovation, 2017

Karkada, Dhruva, Physics, There’s No Shame in Asking Questions, 2022

Katz, Jessica, Energy and Resources Group, Finding New Ways to “Read the Room” in a Year of Remote Teaching, 2021

Kauffman, Alexander, Integrative Biology, Teaching to Different Modes of Learning, 2000

Kayiatos, Anastasia, Slavic, (Feminist) Dreams Really Do Come True, 2010

Kennedy, Ellis, Materials Science and Engineering, One Lab Report, Two Lab Reports, Three Lab Reports, More! Teaching Scientific Writing, 2021

Kern, Nicholas, Astronomy, Boosting Class Engagement with Software-Driven Section Worksheets, 2017

Kidder, Allison, Environmental Science, Policy and Management, Bringing Concepts to Life through Field Trips, 2011

Kieke, Samuel, Sociology, Social Theory as Puzzle: Piecing Together Conceptual Definitions, 2020

Kiser, Deanna, Near Eastern Studies, Understanding the Lives of Ancient Egyptians, 2001

Kitamata-Wong, Britney, Integrative Biology (Home Department: Optometry), A Clinical Approach to Human Anatomy, 2015

Klavon, Evan, English, Experimental Method: A Guided Lesson for Synthesizing Science and Literature, 2017

Knight, Nicholas, Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, Help Them Help Themselves!, 2014

Koehler, Johann, Jurisprudence and Social Policy, The Feedback Loop: When Less is More, and When More is Less, 2016

Kohen, Naomi, Materials Science and Engineering, The Kitchen as a Laboratory, 2008

Kohli, Nitin, School of Information, Making it Real – Developing Socially, Politically, and Ethically Aware Data Scientists, 2019

Krasnow, Kevin, Environmental Science, Policy and Management, Understanding Long-Term Ecological Change with Tree Rings, 2012

Kumar, Rajan, Materials Science and Engineering, Introducing Students to Scientific Writing in E45 Lab Sections, 2016

Kurd, Nadia, Molecular and Cell Biology, A Solution for Inclusion: Keeping Advanced Students Stimulated Without Leaving Others Behind, 2014


Lambert, Christian, Public Policy, Deploying General Rubrics to Preclude the Pitfalls of Grading, 2016

Landsiedel, Kirsten, Biostatistics, A Statistically Significant Reduction in Math Anxiety (p-value < 0.05), 2024

Langin-Hooper, Stephanie, Near Eastern Studies, Multi-Sensory Windows into Ancient Near Eastern Archaeology, 2011

Lara-Garcia, Andrea, Geography, Writing Without Generalizing: Tackling Generalizations in Analytic Student Writing, 2024

Leake, Britt, Political Science, Embracing Controversy Instead of Avoiding it: Lessons from Teaching Middle Eastern Politics, 2024

Lebsack, Sonya, Legal Studies, Teaching Critical Skills in Legal Studies, 2007

Lee, Aaron, Astronomy, Bringing Astronomy Down to Earth: A Teaching Strategy That Helps Develop Intuition, 2010

Lee, Thomas, Political Science, Enlarging and Improving Feedback on Student Papers, 2024

Leite, Naomi, Anthropology, Introducing Course Themes through Experiential Learning: A First-Section Activity, 2008
Lepore, Taormina, Integrative Biology, Disability Visibility and Inclusive Design in STEM Pedagogy, 2022

Lerman, Amy, Political Science, It Said What?: Reading Critically for Bias and Point of View, 2005

Levac, Madeleine, Philosophy, A Collaborative Response to ChatGPT, 2024

Lewandoski, Julia, History, The Thesis Statement as The Key to Unlock Essay Writing, 2018

Leyba, Ashley, History, Expanding the Classroom: Using bSpace to Encourage Student-Driven Discussion, 2013

Lin, Kevin, Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, From 40 to 400 to 1,400: Providing Formative Feedback in Large-Scale Courses, 2019

Louie, Linda, French, Revision without Tears: In-Class Writing with the Pomodoro Technique, 2017

Lu, Yi-Chuan, Physics, Improving Board Work with Colors, 2016


Macdonald, Sarah, Sociology, Encouraging Critical Thinking through Exam Preparation, 2008

Mahiri, Jelani, Anthropology, An Exercise in Writing Descriptive Field Notes for Anthropological Research, 2006

Mandakolathur Balu, Ashwin, Public Policy, Teaching Causality through an Experiment, 2021

Mangin, Sarah, English, Elusive Allusions: Discovering Kafka in Coetzee, 2013

Mansour, Haefa, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Revolutionizing Classroom Problem-Solving to Mimic the Real World, 2020

Mansouri, Leila, English, Literary Scholarship as Cocktail Party: Bringing Students into the Conversation, 2016

Markham, Michael, Music, Bringing Opera Closer to Home, 2005

Martin, Tania , Architecture, Engaging with Primary Sources and Making Connections to Readings and Lectures, 2002

Masanet, Eric, Mechanical Engineering, Incorporating Design-for-Environment into the Undergraduate Product Design Curriculum, 2001

McCarty, Heather, History, Journals: The Key to Small Group Participation, 2001

McGraw, Marquise, Economics, Incorporating Active Learning and Technology into Teaching Economics, 2012

McGuire, Jennifer, Integrative Biology, Instilling Effective Study Skills in Students: Start Early, Know Your Weaknesses, 2007

McNeill, Karen, History, The Undergraduate Research Paper, 2005

Mead, Christopher, English, Sacrifice and Literature (declined to publish), 2012

Meché, Brittany, Geography, Teaching the Politics of Representation in Development Studies, 2017

Mikkelborg, Anna, Political Science, Practice Having Something to Say: Building Student Confidence through Required Office Hours, 2021

Miroshnikova , Yekaterina , Molecular and Cell Biology (Home Department: Bioengineering), Breaking Down the Barriers Inhibiting Effective Learning Environments, 2013

Moeini Meybodi, Maryam, Graduate School of Education, Task-Based Language Games: A Solution to Incorporation of Culture in Grammar Lessons, 2020

Moran, Marcel, City and Regional Planning, Transportation Planning: From Theory to Practice, 2022

Morazes, Jennifer, Social Welfare, Why Dont They Just Go Get Help Themselves? Illustrating the Challenges of Accessing Social Services, 2009

Murdia, Chitraang, Physics, Increasing Student Engagement by Using Poll-based Teaching, 2021


Nataraj, Shanthi, Agricultural and Resource Economics (Home Department: Economics), Applying Economic Concepts to Environmental Problems, 2009

Ng, Jason, Vision Science, Utilizing a Unifying Experiment to Enhance Conceptual Integration, 2006

Nieh, Ari, Mathematics, Dispelling the Fear of Proofs, 2006

Nisnevich, Anna, Music, Music and Multi Media: Staging Stravinsky’s The Rite of Spring, 2004


O’Brien, Terry, Integrative Biology, An Example of the Use of Frameworks in Skills-Based Learning, 2000

Oehlberg, Lora, Mechanical Engineering, A Hands-On Approach to User Interface Prototyping, 2010

Olliff Yang, Rachael, Integrative Biology, Using Phenomena-Based Inquiry to  Increase Class Participation, 2019

Olsen, Carl, Scandinavian, Creative Writing and the Horizon of Expectations, 2007

Ong, Frank, Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, Teaching Students to Value Hands-on Signal Processing Skills, 2017

Ono, Seiya, Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, Lowering the Entry Barrier to Build Inclusive Lab Spaces, 2020

Owley, Jessica, Environmental Science, Policy and Management, Social Science Meets Physical Science, 2004


Painter, Genevieve, Jurisprudence and Social Policy, Consensus Techniques for Learning Together, 2014

Paleo, Lyn, Public Health, Incorporating Practice into Theory-Based Curriculum, 2003

Paramasivan, Vasudha, South and Southeast Asian Studies, “Telling” Tales: The Quest for Meaning in Indian Folklore, 2005

Park, Catherine, Education, Multimodal Assessments: Expanding Choice and Opportunities for Student Success, 2022

Parson, Rahul Bjørn, South and Southeast Asian Studies, Language Pedagogy as a Group Effort, 2010

Pearson, Kathryn, Political Science, Bringing Home the Bacon: Navigating the Congressional Budget Process, 2002

Peek, Kathryn, Astronomy, Lessons from a Lesson on Stellar Evolution, 2005

Pennington, Kate, Agricultural and Resource Economics, Inviting Students In: Improving Diversity by Increasing Participation, 2020

Pepper, Timothy, Classics, Teaching the Ancient Greek Optative and Subjunctive by Staging Cultural Practice, 2009

Perley, Daniel, Astronomy, Solar System on a Laptop: Visualizing the Dynamic Universe, 2006

Perumpail, Tiffany, Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, Improvement of Academic Intern Experience and Performance in Introductory CS, 2018

Piazza, Elise, Vision Science, Achieving Widespread Participation through Evidence-Based Classroom Discourse, 2014

Pivonka, Nicholas L., Chemistry, Improving Laboratory Courses, 2001

Powell, Jennifer, Molecular and Cell Biology, Transforming Quizzes into Teaching and Learning Tools, 2001

Punj, Gaurav, Industrial Engineering and Operations Research, Think Out of the Box, 2003

Purcell, Jason, Political Science, Teaching the 3-Speed Class, 2009

Purser, Gretchen, Sociology, Theory as Map, 2003

Puskar, Nicolette, Chemistry, I Spy with My Little Scanning Electron Microscope: Seeing the Nanoscale in Physical Chemistry Laboratory, 2024


Rabanes, Raphaëlle , Anthropology, Queering Anthropology: A Lived Experience of Critical Knowledge Production, 2013

Radwin, David, Political Science, Learning By Doing: Using Simulations to Teach Political Science, 2004

Ramey, James, Comparative Literature, Making it Fun: Framing Literary Discussion as a Social Practice, 2007

Ramiller, Alex, City & Regional Planning, Navigating the “Alphabet Soup” of U.S. Housing Policy with Collaborative Online Tools, 2024

Ramos, Frances, Graduate School of Education, Facilitating Dialogue and Learning Across Language and Cultural Differences in American Cultures Courses, 2019

Ramsey, Samuel Nicholas, Group in Logic, Permission to be Confused, 2017

Randazzo, Timothy, Ethnic Studies, A New Approach to Teaching and Learning, 2005

Replogle Sheffer, Edith, History, Creating Coherence with Conceptual Maps, 2002

Reyes Arias, Alejandro, Latin American Studies, The Challenge of Thinking Historically, 2005

Reyes-Umana, Victor, Plant and Microbial Biology, Developing Narratives for Aspiring Biologists, 2019

Richard, Anne Marie, Education, Not Exactly Dick and Jane: Using Children’s Books to Make Theory Accessible, 2000

Rider, Christopher, Business Administration, Improving Writing Skills and Alleviating Grading Confusion, 2005

Ritland, Laura, English, The “Scholarly I”: Using First Person in the Humanities Research Essay, 2022

Rivera, Francesca, Music, If “Writing about Music Is like Dancing About Architecture,” Maybe It’s Time to Draw, 2003

Roehrkasse, Alexander, Sociology, Encouraging Accountability and Participation through Regular Reading Responses, 2017

Roudbari, Shawhin , Architecture, Using Students’ Design Work to Teach Design Theory and Criticism, 2012

Rubin, Anna, Public Policy, Policy Consulting Simulations as a Tool for Understanding and Applying Economic Concepts, 2013


Saleh, Heidi, Near Eastern Studies, Revitalizing and Contemporizing Ancient Literature, 2003

Sankaran, Viswanath, Mathematics and Statistics, Demystifying the Thought Process, 2002

Sargent, Matthew, History, Teaching the “Errors of the Past”, 2006

Schellenberg, Jonathan, Economics, Making it Matter: Connecting Theory to Reality in Economics, 2018

Scholl, Caitlin, Comparative Literature, Helping Students Master Research: Scavenger Hunts as a Learning Tool in the R1B Classroom, 2016

Schwab, Susan, Molecular and Cell Biology, Players in the Pathway, 2002

Schwartz, Selby, Comparative Literature, “Is Ariel the same as the Little Mermaid?”, 2001

Schwartz, Sonja, Environmental Science, Policy and Management (Home Department: Molecular and Cell Biology), Beyond Bean Counting: A New Laboratory to Teach the Concepts of Microevolution, 2012

Scoggins, Suzanne, International and Area Studies (Home Department: Political Science), Encouraging Full Participation in Section, 2014

Scott, William, History, The Campus as Laboratory: Teaching Students to Think Historically About the Built Environment, 2004

Sergi, Matthew, English, A People’s History of the English Language: Dialect Communities, 2010

Shade, Jessica, Integrative Biology, Encouraging Deep Learning in an Introductory Course, 2010

Shank, Elizabeth, Molecular and Cell Biology, Emphasizing Concepts in a Yeast Genetics Laboratory, 2003

Shankar, Ajeet, Computer Science, The Zen of Reductions (How to Understand Computers by Becoming One), 2003

Shelby, Hayden, City and Regional Planning, Discipline, Practice, Feedback: A Supportive Approach to Teaching Critical Reading Skills, 2016

Shi, Andrew, Mathematics, Conquering the Top 10 Algorithms of the 20th Century, 2020

Short, William, Classics, Experiments in Communicative Latin, 2005

Siauw, Ko-Ay Timmy, College of Engineering, The E7 Robot Tournament, 2009

Siddiq, Auyon, Industrial Engineering and Operations Research, Bridging Mathematical Models and Managerial Decisions, 2015

Sierra, Valentín,  Social Welfare, Towards a Red Pedagogy for Social Work Education, 2023

Sinek, Wendy, Political Science, Conquering “40% of the Grade”: Interactive Strategies for Helping Students Prepare for Comprehensive Final Exams, 2006

Slotkin, Richard Keith, Plant and Microbial Biology, Designing a Better Laboratory Course, 2005

Smith, Jessica, Chemistry, A Pre-Lab Assignment for a More Efficient and Effective Laboratory, 2011

Smith, Tobias, Jurisprudence and Social Policy, Attending to Attendance, 2015

Somoff, Victoria, Slavic Languages and Literatures, Writing an Epistolary Novel in a Heritage Speaker Class, 2004

Song, Michael, Integrative Biology, How to Teach Botany Lab Remotely: Get Off Zoom, Use Real Plants!, 2021

Sparrey, Carolyn, Mechanical Engineering, Implementing the Scientific Learning Cycle in the Confines of a Classroom, 2007

Spitzer, Danielle, Molecular and Cell Biology, Hands-on Simulation of Frog Development and Experimental Embryology Engages Students and Promotes Learning, 2022

Springthorpe, Dwight, Integrative Biology, Interdisciplinary Team Peer-to-Peer Learning with Guided Inquiry, 2015

Spudich, Giulietta, Molecular and Cell Biology, Linking Theory and Experiment in a Biochemistry Lab, 2001

Srinivasan, Ragini Tharoor, Rhetoric, Staging the Exchange: Learning to Read and Write Beyond Similarity and Opposition, 2015

Stachl, Christiane, Chemistry, Using Individualized Student Feedback to Enhance Learning in Chemistry 4A, 2016

Stark, Tammy, Linguistics, The Semester-Long Research Project Reimagined, 2015

Steele, Ryan, Chemistry, A Voice in the Sciences, 2007

Stephanopoulos, Nicholas, Chemistry, Making the Connections: Dissecting Fatty Acid Biosynthesis, 2008

Stepnitz, Abigail, Legal Studies (Home Department: Jurisprudence and Social Policy), Writing the “Other” Answer: Teaching Students to Craft Evidence-Based Arguments, 2018

Sterling, Nichole, Scandinavian, Creativity in the Composition Classroom, 2006

Steward, Shelly, Sociology, Integrating Sociology into Students’ Lives through Twitter, 2015

Su, James, Vision Science, Stretching the Field of View, 2007

Sutton, Kyra, Rhetoric, That Which Moves: Affect and Analysis, 2023

Switz, Neil, Biophysics, Teaching Quantitative Optical Filter Choice as Part of Practical Microscopy, 2011

Szarke, Margot, French, Making and Supporting an Argument, 2013


Tabrizian, Peyam, Mathematics, The Advantages of Rearranging the Topics Covered in a Course, 2013

Takada, Mayumi, English, Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Literature but Were Afraid to Ask the Saturday Evening Post: or, How Literature is Like Math, 2004

Tanner, Sean, Public Policy, A “Tradeoffs” Method for Soliciting Student Feedback, 2011

Taylor, Mercedes, Chemistry, Overcoming Emotional Reactions to Chemical Reactions, 2016

Teupert, Jonas, German, Collaborative Learning in Times of Remote Instruction, 2020

Theerakarn, Thunwa, Mathematics, Developing Interactive Applets to Help Students Visualize Multivariable Calculus, 2014

Thomsen, Meredith, Integrative Biology, Groupwritten, 2003

Thornton, Joel, Chemistry, Chemistry: The Other Foreign Language, 2000

Tomi, Anna, Scandinavian, Student-led Discussions Foster Compassion, 2022

Towle, Clarissa, Materials Science and Engineering, Teaching Fast and Slow: The Gradual Introduction of Scientific Writing in a Fast- Paced Lab, 2019

Trachtman, Carly, Agricultural and Resource Economics, Understanding Social Welfare Comparisons without Math Anxiety, 2020

Trahanovsky, Mary, Materials Science and Engineering, Motivating Students with Choice, 2006

Tranchero, Matteo, Haas School of Business, Mapping Theoretical Constructs into Case-Based Business Teaching, 2024

Travaglini, Sonia, College of Engineering (Home Department: Mechanical Engineering), Teaching Science Writing – Learning by Doing and Not by Listening, 2018

Turner, Ryan, Astronomy (Home Department: Earth and Planetary Science), Seeing for Yourself, 2013

Tuttle, Darcy, Ancient History & Mediterranean Archaeology, Conversations with the Dead: Putting Primary and Secondary Sources in Dialogue, 2024


Uliana, Adam, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Learning How to Learn: Teaching Self-Awareness in Engineering, 2019

Ullman, Julie, Molecular and Cell Biology, Teaching Students How to Create a Picture Worth a Thousand Words, 2010

Underhill, Justin, History of Art, The Power of Observation in situ (by Proxy), 2008


Van, Douglas, Political Science, Making Sense in a Whirlwind: Tools to Study Diverse Political Ideas in Diverse Contexts, 2023

Vendetti, Jann, Integrative Biology, Understanding Biological Shape with Pipe Cleaners: An Exercise in Integrating Multiple Learning Styles, 2008

Villa-Lobos, Ana, Sociology, How to “Show” Sociology in an Academic World of “Telling”, 2003

Villegas, Karen, Education, Enhancing Student Engagement through Simulated Academic Conference, 2024

von Morzé, Leonard, English, Sources Into Evidence; or, Rethinking the Research Requirement in R & C Courses, 2006


Wang, Mengxin, Industrial Engineering and Operations Research, Designing Soft Participation Policy for Remote Instruction, 2022

Wang, Skyler, Sociology, Going Public: Designing Writing Assignments with Social Impact, 2021

Warner, Chantelle, German, Putting the Text Back in Text Book, 2003

Watkins, Holly, Music, Musical Representation and Musorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition, 2001

Wedel, Mathew, Integrative Biology, How to Encourage Lecture Attendance through Discussion Activities, 2004

Wendover, Jess , Architecture, Teaching Triangulation of Research Methods, 2003

Wesner, Ashton, Materials Science and Engineering (Home Department: Environmental Science, Policy, and Management), Skills for Engagement: Teaching Close Reading Techniques in an Interdisciplinary Classroom, 2018

Wesp, Julie, Anthropology, The Hip Bone is Connected to the Thigh Bone: Fostering Higher-Order Learning by Not Answering Students’ Questions, 2014

Westbrook, Laurel, Sociology, Drawing to Learn: One Way to Teach to Multiple Learning Styles, 2007

Wolfson, Amy, African American Studies, The End of Romance: Teaching Students to Rethink “Wild” Africa, 2012


Xia, Kay, Chemistry, Integrating Social Responsibility into the Graduate Chemistry Curriculum, 2023

Xin, Wendy, English, X-Axis, Y-Axis, and Zzzz’s: Plotting Narrative at 8 AM, 2013


Yau, Elaine, History of Art, Starting with Art for the First Time, 2014

Ye, Rong “Rocky,” Chemistry, Achieving Higher Efficiency in Chemistry Labs Using Electronic Scheduling , 2015

Yost, Benjamin, Rhetoric, Becoming a Better Socrates, 2005

Yuan, Alexandria, Public Policy, Ethics Beyond the Textbook, 2016


Zalecki, Christine, Psychology, Practice Matters: The Design and Teaching of an Introductory Clinical Seminar, 2003

Zarkos, Panagiotis, Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, Remote Hands-on Hardware Lab: Aiming at 0% Discount in Learning Experience during the COVID-19 Pandemic, 2021

Zeitler, Bryan, Molecular and Cell Biology, Using the Peer-Review Process to Stimulate Classroom Discussion, 2003

Zemgulys, Andrea, English, From Description to Analysis, 2000

Zhu, Yicheng, Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, Fostering Student Engagement: The Power of Live Class Demonstrations, 2024

Zupsich, Gina, French, Free in Theory: Teaching Gender in Historical Perspective, 2010