Sexual Harassment / Sexual Violence Prevention Training: Requirements for Graduate Students
The University has adopted a plan for all members of the UC Berkeley community to receive updated training about sexual violence and sexual harassment. The training strategy involves engaging every student and employee through multiple channels.
- All incoming graduate students are required to take the online training module by Vector Solutions called “Sexual Assault Prevention Graduate Students.” This training will be made available to you through your CalCentral Dashboard.
- All incoming students (except those in online-only programs) must participate in a live Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment Prevention Training, “Cultivating a Respectful Graduate Community,” facilitated by your department or partners in the PATH to Care Center.
- Please be sure that you understand your responsibility to complete these two forms of training within the first six weeks of the semester if you are an incoming student. Further information can be found on the campus Addressing Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment website under “Required SVSH Prevention Trainings” and on the Graduate Division SVSH Required Training for Incoming Students webpage.
- All employees of the University, including GSIs, are required to take annual SVSH prevention training. As their appointments are processed, GSIs will be invited to take the appropriate courses.
Module 5 of the GSI Professional Standards and Ethics course is a long-standing preparation requirement for all first-time GSIs. It differs from the other trainings in that it focuses on SVSH issues as they may arise in the course of a GSI’s duties.
For further details on all of the requirements, please see the Adressing Sexual Violence & Sexual Harassment Required SVSH Prevention Trainings webpage.