TEA Recipients 2005-2006 to 2009-2010
2009–2010 Recipients
Hamilton, Emily (History), Playing Teacher: Adding Predictive Power to Students’ Toolboxes
Kayiatos, Anastasia (Slavic), (Feminist) Dreams Really Do Come True
Oehlberg, Lora (Mechanical Engineering), A Hands-On Approach to User Interface Prototyping
Parson, Rahul Bjørn (South and Southeast Asian Studies), Language Pedagogy as a Group Effort
Sergi, Matthew (English), A People’s History of the English Language: Dialect Communities
Shade, Jessica (Integrative Biology), Encouraging Deep Learning in an Introductory Course
Zupsich, Gina (French), Free in Theory: Teaching Gender in Historical Perspective
2008–2009 Recipients
Cecire, Natalia (English), Creating a Research Community
Chou, Seemay (Molecular and Cell Biology), Teaching Young Scientists to Speak the Way They Think
Clark, Christopher (Integrative Biology), Improving Biology Papers through Peer Review
Jasper, Kathryn (History), The Fourth Crusade Charges into the Classroom
Purcell, Jason (Political Science), Teaching the 3-Speed Class
Siauw, Ko-Ay Timmy (College of Engineering ), The E7 Robot Tournament
2007–2008 Recipients
Babel, Molly (Linguistics), Externalizing Analyses and Bridging Sub-Disciplines
Divita, David (French), Shaking up the Standard in a French Phonetics Course
Foose, Ladan (Chemical Engineering), Searching for the “Big Picture”
Gravendyk, Hillary (English), Poetry and the Scientific Method
Kohen, Naomi (Material Science and Engineering), The Kitchen as a Laboratory
Macdonald, Sarah (Sociology), Encouraging Critical Thinking through Exam Preparation
Stephanopoulos, Nicholas (Chemistry), Making the Connections: Dissecting Fatty Acid Biosynthesis
Underhill, Justin (History of Art), The Power of Observation in situ (by Proxy)
2006–2007 Recipients
Cattaneo, Matias (Economics), Teaching Students with Diverse Backgrounds
Chau, Angela (Bioengineering), Learn at Your Own Pace
Gehlawat, Monika (English), Critical Objectivity and Sentence Style Improvement
Goodrich, Maria (Integrative Biology), Using a Focal Organism as a Teaching Tool in General Biology
Lebsack, Sonya (Legal Studies), Teaching Critical Skills in Legal Studies
Olsen, Carl (Scandinavian), Creative Writing and the Horizon of Expectations
Steele, Ryan (Chemistry), A Voice in the Sciences
Su, James (Vision Science), Stretching the Field of View
Westbrook, Laurel (Sociology), Drawing to Learn: One Way to Teach to Multiple Learning Styles
2005–2006 Recipients
Comerford, Julia (Astronomy) Teaching by (Bad) Example
Fedyk, Tatiana (Business Administration), Hide and Go Seek, or Could We Play with Accounting?
Hicks, Susan (Geography), Getting on the Same Page
Jason Ng (Vision Science), Utilizing a Unifying Experiment to Enhance Conceptual Integration
Nieh, Ari (Mathematics) Dispelling the Fear of Proofs
Perley, Daniel (Astronomy), Solar System on a Laptop: Visualizing the Dynamic Universe
Sargent, Matthew (History), Teaching the “Errors of the Past”
Sterling, Nichole (Scandinavian), Creativity in the Composition Classroom
Trahanovsky, Mary (Materials Science and Engineering), Motivating Students with Choice