TEA Recipients 2020-2021 to 2024-2025
2023-2024 Recipients
Gregory Arena, Integrative Biology, Teaching Outside the Textbook
Vivek Bharadwaj, Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, Cookie Cutters: Scaling a Parallel Computing Class While Retaining its Humanity
Sukriyo Chakraborty, Chemistry, “Thinking through Writing” – Using Writing as a Means to Improve Critical Thinking in an Organic Chemistry Laboratory
Emily Kang, History of Art, Combatting Theory-Phobia: Addressing Imposter Syndrome through Empathy
Kirsten Landsiedel, Biostatistics, A Statistically Significant Reduction in Math Anxiety (p-value < 0.05)
Andrea Lara-Garcia, Geography, Writing Without Generalizing: Tackling Generalizations in Analytic Student Writing
Britt Leake, Political Science, Embracing Controversy instead of Avoiding It: Lessons from Teaching Middle Eastern Politics
Thomas Lee, Political Science, Enlarging and Improving Feedback on Student Papers
Madeleine Levac, Philosophy, A Collaborative Response to ChatGPT
Nicolette Puskar, Chemistry, I Spy with My Little Scanning Electron Microscope: Seeing the Nanoscale in Physical Chemistry Laboratory
Alex Ramiller, City and Regional Planning, Navigating the “Alphabet Soup” of U.S. Housing Policy with Collaborative Online Tools
Matteo Tranchero, Haas School of Business, Mapping Theoretical Constructs into Case-Based Business Teaching
Darcy Tuttle, Ancient History and Mediterranean Archaeology, Conversations with the Dead: Putting Primary & Secondary Sources in Dialogue
Karen Villegas, Education, Enhancing Student Engagement through Simulated Academic Conference
Yicheng Zhu, Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, Fostering Student Engagement: The Power of Live Class Demonstrations
2022-2023 Recipients
Ethan Boynton, Plant and Microbial Biology, Managing Student Anxiety Surrounding In-Person Learning
Leah Gulyas, Plant and Microbial Biology, Assemble your Team! Harnessing the Power of Teamwork to Promote Student Engagement and Learning
Enze Chen, Materials Science and Engineering, Using Poster Presentations to Promote Science Communication and Student Engagement
Kay Xia, Chemistry, Integrating Social Responsibility into the Graduate Chemistry Curriculum
Morgan Jennings, Film & Media, Monstrous Methods for Closely Reading Film
Kyra Sutton, Rhetoric, That Which Moves: Affect and Analysis
Salvador Gutierrez Peraza, Ethnic Studies, Empathy
Nancy Freitas, Energy and Resources Group, “Yes, and..” in Grant Writing
Ryan Gourley, Music, Experiential Learning with Antiquated Musical Media
Valentín Sierra, Social Welfare, Towards a Red Pedagogy for Social Work Education
Meg Everett, Berkeley School of Education, Learning and Teaching in the Age of AI: Exploring the Use of ChatGPT in Class
Jes Heppler, Philosophy, Building and Repairing Trust in the Classroom
Douglas Van, Political Science, Making Sense in a Whirlwind: Tools to Study Diverse Political Ideas in Diverse Contexts
Joshua Freed, Political Science, Intentional Communication, the Students in the Middle, and Me
2021-2022 Recipients
Taormina Lepore, Integrative Biology, Disability Visibility and Inclusive Design in STEM Pedagogy
Danielle Spitzer, Molecular and Cell Biology, Hands-on Simulation of Frog Development and Experimental Embryology Engages Students and Promotes Learning
Manon Ironside, Psychology, From Skilled Test Takers to Budding Scientists: Overhauling Assessment in Cognitive Neuroscience
Mengxin Wang, Industrial Engineering and Operations Research, Designing Soft Participation Policy for Remote Instruction
Anna Tomi, Scandinavian, Student-led Discussions Foster Compassion
Gabrielle Elias, English, “A Little Chain of Bright Drops”: Learning to Read Detail
Laura Ritland, English, The “Scholarly I”: Using First Person in the Humanities Research Essay
Oxana Andriuc, Chemistry, Detangling Quantum Problems
Dhruva Karkada, Physics, There’s No Shame in Asking Questions
Marcel Moran, City and Regional Planning, Transportation Planning: From Theory to Practice
Joy Esboldt, Education, Starting Co-Constructed Dialogue Through Video Essay Feedback
Catherine Park, Education, Multimodal Assessments: Expanding Choice and Opportunities for Student Success
2020–2021 Recipients
Mallika Bariya, Materials Science and Engineering, Zoom Labs: Replicating Hands-On Learning in Virtual Education
Katherine Blackford, Chemistry, Helping Organic Chemistry Students Develop Metacognitive Problem-Solving Skills
Katherine Bruhn, South and Southeast Asian Studies, Mundane to Extraordinary: Working with Primary Sources and Identifying Research Topics
Douglas Epps, Social Welfare, Ask, Adapt, and Assess: Co-Constructing the Remote Classroom to Promote Inclusivity, Equity, and Engagement
Andrew Estrada Phuong, Education, Adaptive Equity-Oriented Pedagogy: Equipping Educators to Overcome Barriers to Learning in STEM
Ella Hiesmayr, Statistics, Visualizing Stochastic Processes
Christopher Jelen, Classics, To Err Is Divine: Constructive Failure and Its Place in Language Learning
Jessica Katz, Energy and Resources Group, Finding New Ways to “Read the Room” in a Year of Remote Teaching
Ellis Kennedy, Materials Science and Engineering, One Lab Report, Two Lab Reports, Three Lab Reports, More! Teaching Scientific Writing
Ashwin Mandakolathur Balu, Public Policy, Teaching Causality through an Experiment
Anna Mikkelborg, Political Science, Practice Having Something to Say: Building Student Confidence through Required Office Hours
Chitraang Murdia, Physics, Increasing Student Engagement by Using Poll-based Teaching
Michael Song, Integrative Biology, How to Teach Botany Lab Remotely: Get Off Zoom, Use Real Plants!
Skyler Wang, Sociology, Going Public: Designing Writing Assignments with Social Impact
Panagiotis Zarkos, Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, Remote Hands-on Hardware Lab: Aiming at 0% Discount in Learning Experience during the COVID-19 Pandemic