Developing a Reading Heuristic or Guide for Students
Effective reading strategies can vary by discipline, text-type, and the purpose of the particular reading assignment. They can also vary with the level of the student and the instructor’s purpose in developing the assignment.
Here are some reading heuristics developed by GSIs and faculty members at UC Berkeley for their students. They address a range of students and a range of disciplines and text-types. As you look them over, think about what you want your students to do with the readings for your section. Consider composing a heuristic for them.
- Science and Scientific Claims (Biology) (pdf)
- Reading Arabic Poetry (pdf)
- Tips for Reading Medieval Texts in Translation (Celtic Studies) (pdf)
- Becoming an Active Reader (English) (pdf)
- Practical Tips for Reading Sociology (pdf)
- Reading Actively (and Efficiently) for History Courses (pdf)
Experienced GSIs and faculty mentors in your department will likely also have suggestions based on their work with students.