Learning Outcomes for 375 Courses
November 2014
The following learning objectives for the pedagogy (375) courses required of all first-time GSIs have been developed by the GSI Teaching Resource Center, in consultation with 375 instructors. They are also used by the Graduate Council’s Advisory Committee for GSI Affairs in vetting 375 courses for the Certificate of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. These objectives were developed with an eye to preparing graduate students for the teaching they do at Berkeley and the teaching they may do in future academic and non-academic careers. The objectives are broadly defined so as to apply to the professional development needs of graduate students across departments. It is expected that the activities, assignments, readings, and forms of assessment will be tailored so as to be field-appropriate.
Upon completion of the course, GSIs should:
- know effective practices, current directions, and resources for engaging students in their field;
- be able to create and evaluate the effectiveness of section plans (and, where appropriate, assignments) that employ field-appropriate active learning strategies (e.g., discussion, collaborative problem solving, applied practice);
- know the standards of ethical conduct by which they and their students must abide and how to provide a welcoming and respectful learning environment for a diverse student body;
- know general and field-specific University policies and resources for teaching on the Berkeley campus, such as those pertaining to students with disabilities, students in distress, student athletes, sexual harassment, academic integrity, instructional technology, and lab safety;
- know how to assess student learning and grade student work fairly, consistently, and efficiently;
- be able to use feedback and assessment tools such as mid-semester evaluations to improve teaching;
- be able to reflect upon teaching and learning and explain why they make the choices they do as teachers in their field;
- know how to effectively communicate and collaborate with members of a teaching team (e.g., faculty instructor, fellow GSIs, Readers, head GSI, course support staff).