Graduate Council Requirements for GSI Pedagogy Courses
The following requirements are excerpted from the Graduate Council Policy on Appointments and Mentoring of GSIs, Section III: Preparation of GSIs for Teaching.
C. Departmental Responsibilities
- Departments must include the teaching preparation requirements for first-time and continuing GSIs in GSI letters of appointment and ensure that the requirements are met.
- All departments that hire GSIs must offer a semester-long 300-level seminar on teaching in the discipline, frequently enough so that first-time GSIs can take the course in or before their first semester of teaching. If a department has fewer than four new GSIs in any given year, the department may make arrangements for the GSIs to take the course in another department. If a department does not plan to offer a 300-level course in the spring semester, GSIs to be appointed in the spring for the first time should be advised to take the 300-level course in the preceding fall. The course must
- be taught by a faculty member;
- address the practical and theoretical knowledge needed by new GSIs inthe specific discipline;
- have a syllabus that specifies topics week by week, identifies readings, and describes the basis for evaluation;
- have a meaningful number of units and student contact hours (2–4 units);
- have a course reader or textbooks;
- have specific assignments for which GSIs are accountable and on which GSIs will be graded.
The GSI Teaching & Resource Center can assist departments in developing 300-level courses through consultations, workshops, and grants.
Departments are required to apprise the Graduate Division each semester of the name of the faculty member teaching the course and to submit a copy of the 300-level course syllabus to the Graduate Division’s GSI Teaching and Resource Center each time the course instructor changes.