Working with Student Writing: Additional Resources
The American Heritage Guide to Contemporary Usage and Style (2005). Boston and New York: Houghton-Mifflin. In cases where you do want to correct grammatical usage in a student’s writing, this is a useful guide. You may also want to quote or direct the student to specific pages so that they themselves can read about the issue in more detail.
Bean, John C. (1996). Engaging Ideas: The Professor’s Guide to Integrating Writing, Critical Thinking, and Active Learning in the Classroom. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Available at the GSI Teaching & Resource Center.
Davis, Barbara Gross (2009). “Helping Students Write Better in All Courses.” Chap. 24 and 25 in Tools for Teaching. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Print edition available at the GSI Teaching & Resource Center.
George Mason University Writing Across the Curriculum. Teaching with Writing. Gateway to several useful and concise pages on learning through writing.
Gottschalk, Katherine and Keith Hjortshoj (2004). The Elements of Teaching Writing: A Resource for Instructors in All Disciplines. New York: Bedford/St. Martins. Available at the GSI Teaching & Resource Center.
Harvey, Michael (2003). The Nuts and Bolts of College Writing. Indianapolis, IN: Hackett Publishing. Concise, approachable, and inexpensive guide for students and for instructors looking for useful ways to talk about writing with students.
Hedengren, Beth Finch (2004). A TA’s Guide to Teaching Writing in All Disciplines. New York: Bedford/St. Martins. Available at the GSI Teaching & Resource Center.
Tollefson, Steve (1988). Encouraging Student Writing. Berkeley: Office of Educational Development, University of California. Excellent resource for non-writing specialists; in addition to essential pointers for instructors, it includes several pages of handouts giving tips for student writers.
Purdue University Online Writing Lab (OWL). General and specific resources for instructors and students.
Walvoord, Barbara E. Fassler (1986). Helping Students Write Well: A Guide for Teachers in All Disciplines. New York: Modern Language Association of America. Available in the University’s Main Library.
The Writing Center at the University of North Carolina. Materials for students and instructors. Scores of handouts about many, many writing issues.
UC Berkeley College Writing Programs Multilingual Student Writing Consultant for Instructors. Available to discuss specific issues in working with multilingual student writers.
Further resources on writing are listed on the Resources page of the Reading and Composition chapter.