Strategies for Exam Reviews
GSIs methods for helping students solidify their learning in preparation for exams:
Playing Teacher: Adding Predictive Power to Students’ Toolboxes, Emily Hamilton (History)
Instilling Effective Study Skills in Students: Start Early, Know Your Weaknesses, Jennifer McGuire (Integrative Biology)
Teaching Young Scientists to Speak the Way They Think, Seemay Chou (Molecular and Cell Biology)
Encouraging Critical Thinking through Exam Preparation, Sarah MacDonald (Sociology)
End-of-Semester Stress?
Counseling and Psychological Services (CPS) offers counseling to UC Berkeley students and can also can assist GSIs with issues such as reducing stress, handling difficult students, recognizing students in distress, and referring students with difficulties to appropriate services.
The Gold Folder is a reference and referral guide for assisting students who may be experiencing emotional distress. There is also a mobile app version of the Gold Folder.
More information for GSIs about campus offices and services is available on the Annotated Campus Resource List.