The following ideas were generated by faculty serving in this position:

  1. GSIs may not read all their emails. One idea might be to put a flyer in their mailboxes at the beginning of each semester informing them of the Faculty Advisor, his or her functions, office hours, etc.
  2. Faculty Advisor might consider visiting the 300-level course to introduce him- or herself and explain function of position. This would be a terrific way to make sure there is communication and collaboration between Faculty Advisor for GSI Affairs and faculty member who is teaching the 300-level course.
  3. Ask for ten minutes at each faculty meeting to report on issues pertaining to GSIs.
  4. Faculty Advisor could organize an orientation for new faculty on working well with GSIs.
  5. Hold a town hall meeting for GSIs.
  6. Announce to GSIs when end-of-semester evaluations are ready to review.
  7. After mid-term evaluations are conducted, let GSIs know you have an open door.
  8. Create a brokerage of faculty to visit GSIs.
  9. Find ways to make sure that the needs of GSIs who are taking the 300-level course in another department are met.
  10. Set up a peer observation program for GSIs.