Providing Skills, Not Summaries: Improving Reading Comprehension in Political Theory

by Mark Fisher, Political Science
This…made me think quite differently about the GSI’s role in section…While our first impulse is often to try and “translate” the lecture into an idiom they are more comfortable with, this experience convinced me that the greatest service we can perform for students is to teach them the skills needed to speak our language.

Working with Student Writing

GSIs deal with a lot of student writing, from short answers to fully executed research papers. How can GSIs best use writing assignments to deepen students’ understanding, while also being efficient with the GSI’s time and effort?

Anatomy of an Essay

by Lynn Huang, English
I realized that students did not understand the difference between evidence and analysis in their own writing….I introduced the idea that we can “dissect” and analytically color-code an essay in order to make its internal structure visible, and to determine what makes it an effective (or ineffective) paper.

English R&C Research Assignment

This is a resource for students who are undertaking a research project. In this section, a former GSI in English explains the preparation research projects require.

Ethical Engagement: Practical Solutions for Addressing Plagiarism in the Writing Classroom

by Catherine Cronquist Browning, English
It was clear that students who knew the abstract definition of “plagiarism” had trouble recognizing it in practical examples; discussing the different forms of plagiarism in the sample paragraphs helped them understand what it means to assert their own writerly voices and hold these distinct from other critics and thinkers.