Application Procedures

Eligible GSIs will be contacted by the GSI Teaching & Resource Center in March and invited to apply. Applications will be submitted electronically through a password-protected website. Applicants will be asked to fill out a cover sheet and upload a one-page essay (PDF document, details below). Please note that email and paper submissions will not be accepted.


Currently enrolled UC Berkeley graduate students who have been selected for the Outstanding GSI Award in spring 2023 or spring 2024. GSIs may only receive theĀ  Teaching Effectiveness Award once.

Essay Guidelines and Award Criteria

Applicants must upload a one-page essay (in 12-point font) that describes a teaching problem or issue the GSI encountered, the solution the GSI devised to address the problem, and the assessment method used to evaluate the effectiveness of the solution.

The essays will be judged on the quality, appropriateness, and pedagogical soundness of the following:

  • The analysis of a problem or issue in teaching and learning connected to the GSI’s class, section, or lab
  • The teaching method, strategy, or idea implemented to address the problem or issue
  • The assessment method used to determine to what extent the objective was achieved

Application Deadline

The submission deadline and link to the online submission portal can be found in your e-mail invitation. Submissions received after the deadline will not be reviewed.