Supporting the Mental Health of Students and GSIs

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The GSI Teaching & Resource Center is pleased to host three workshops this semester, facilitated by Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS), to support the wellbeing of students and GSIs.

Gold Folder Live
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
1:00 – 2:30
309 Sproul Hall

Learn from campus experts from Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPs) about how to respond to the needs of students in distress and point students to appropriate resources. 

Aaron Cohen, Ph.D.
Senior Staff Psychologist
Counseling and Psychological Services

Amy Honigman, Ph.D.
Senior Clinical Psychologist  
Graduate Assembly Wellness Specialist
Counseling and Psychological Services

Please pre-register here.


Wellness for GSIs
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
309 Sproul Hall

Teaching while a graduate student can be quite stressful. You have your own research, responsibilities to students, and hopefully a life outside of Cal.  How can you juggle your responsibilities while maintaining balance and wellness at the same time? It can be a never-ending cycle, but you can take control of it.  In this workshop we will talk about dealing with the expectations that go along with teaching, student needs, setting limits, and taking the time to take care of yourself, which really does pay off.  

Amy Honigman, Ph.D.
Senior Clinical Psychologist  
Graduate Assembly Wellness Specialist
Counseling and Psychological Services

Please pre-register here.


Suicide Awareness Training for GSIs 
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
309 Sproul Hall

This training, an introductory overview, will use a scenario, lecture, and discussion to help you understand the warning signs and risk factors associated with thoughts of suicide. You will learn ways to approach and talk to a student about your concerns, including how to ask a question about suicide. Lastly, you will learn about resources and how to make appropriate referrals.  

Aaron Cohen, Ph.D.
Senior Staff Psychologist
Counseling and Psychological Services 

Please pre-register here. 


All workshops will be held in 309 Sproul Hall. Wheelchair accessible. For disability-related accommodations, please contact the GSI Teaching & Resource Center at 510-642-4456 or [email protected].